<p class="cook-desc">Take classic oatmeal up a notch with Salted Caramel Apple Pecan Oatmeal. This warm and gooey recipe is a delicious breakfast choice. With the fine sea salt, toasted pecans, and sweet apples, this oatmeal has so many great flavors working together.</p>
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Combine sugar and water in a saucepan, stirring until all the sugar has been coated with water.
Place the pan on high and bring to a boil, wiping down the sides with a wet brush to remove any sugar crystals.
When the sugar begins to boil, add the lemon juice without stirring as this will cause lumps.
Continue to cook until the sugar reaches 338 degrees Fahrenheit, is a dark golden color, and produces a rich aroma.
Remove the pot from the pan and begin adding the cream very slowly and carefully, whisking as you do it.
Add the butter piece by piece, whisking to incorporate and returning the cream to the heat if necessary Strain through a fine mesh strainer and mix in toasted pecans to finish.
Chill and store for up to 3 weeks, stirring before use.
Assembly: Cook the oatmeal in apple cider.
Stir in a small spoonful of apples and a tablespoon of the caramel in to the oatmeal Serve and top each bowl with remaining apples, toasted pecans, and caramel topping.
Recipe Unique ID
Recipe Filters
Recipe Ingredients
Ingredient Amount
1 Cup(s)
Ingredient Value
granulated sugar
Ingredient Amount
1/2 Cup(s)
Ingredient Value
Ingredient Amount
1/2 Cup(s)
Ingredient Value
fluid ounce lemon juice
Ingredient Amount
1/2 Teaspoon(s)
Ingredient Value
Fine Sea Salt
Ingredient Amount
1 Cup(s)
Ingredient Value
heavy cream, room temperature
Ingredient Amount
1 1/4
Ingredient Value
Ounce(s) butter, cut in to pieces
Ingredient Amount
1 Cup(s)
Ingredient Value
pecans, toasted and chopped
Ingredient Value
[title]For assembly
Ingredient Amount
2 Cup(s)
Ingredient Product
Ingredient Product Title
Quaker® Oats-Old Fashioned
Ingredient Amount
4 Cup(s)
Ingredient Value
Apple Cider
Ingredient Amount
2 piece(s)
Ingredient Value
Granny Smith Apples, diced
Ingredient Amount
1 piece(s)
Ingredient Value
Toasted Pecans, Chopped
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