<ul> <li>Excellent source of iron and good source of calcium*</li> <div class="disclaimer-txt">*See nutrition information for sodium content.</div> </ul> <p>Gotta have grits? Get smooth, buttery flavor, steaming hot and right at home. Quaker Quick Grits have been a breakfast time favorite – and a side dish sensation – for generations. They taste so good. And QuakerQuick Grits cook in 5 minutes, so you'll savor the flavor quickly. Can be used as a tasty ingredient to many recipes. <a href="/cooking-and-recipes">Check out our recipe section</a>.</p>

Hot Water Preparation
- Empty packet into bowl.
- Add 1/2 cup boiling water, stir.
Microwave Preparation
- Empty packet into 2 cup microwave-safe bowl.
- Add 1/2 cup water or milk; stir.
- Microwave on HIGH 1 minute to 1 minute 15 seconds; stir.
Microwave ovens vary in power; cooking times may need to be adjusted.
For thicker grits decrease liquid; for thinner grits increase liquid.