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Submitted by quakeroats on

Biscuits baked on cookie sheets or jelly roll pans are crisper and slightly darker in color. For softer, fluffier biscuits, bake biscuits in metal baking pans with 1-1/2-to 2-inch sides. Scones and shortcakes can also be baked on cookie sheets or in baking pans.

For best results, use cookie sheets or baking pans that leave at least 2 inches between the cookie sheet/baking pan and the oven sides and back, and the door of the oven. This allows air to circulate and heat to be evenly distributed in the oven. Here are tips for selecting an appropriate cookie sheet or baking pan.

Selecting Baking Pans

Shiny Aluminum Pans

The best choice for biscuits, scones and shortcakes that are consistent in color, shape and size. It prevents baked goods from becoming too dark on the bottom or sides.

Dark Nonstick Pans

Nonstick cookie sheets and baking pans keep baked goods from sticking. They tend to brown biscuits, scones and shortcakes more quickly, particularly on the bottoms. Many nonstick baking pan manufacturers recommend reducing the oven temperature by 25°F.

Insulated Pans

Consists of two thin sheets of aluminum with a layer of air between them. Desirable for lighter colored biscuits, scones and shortcakes. Baked goods may require longer baking time and also may be more likely to stick.

Preparing Pans

Biscuits, scones and shortcakes are usually baked on ungreased cookie sheets or baking pans. Follow the directions in your recipe.

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